Computation of Riemann Zeta function

  1. Euler-Maclaurin type formula with Bernoulli numbers
  2. One can accelerate the convergence of the Dirichlet series by acceleration methods to compute zeta function for small imaginary parts.

  3. Poisson summation to get Riemann Siegel formula. Another way to see this is approximate functional equation. So now we are reduced to computing exponential sums e^{it\log (n)} . Using Taylor approximation of log to reduce to exponential sums for polynomials.

Theorem (Hiary, 2008) For fixed j, the sum

\displaystyle \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} k^{\prime} \exp \left(2 \pi i a k+2 \pi i b k^{2}\right)

can be computed in O\left((\log K)^{2}\right) arithmetic operations.

3. The Odlyzko-Schonhage algorithm :If you want to compute the function at multiple values, one can use interpolation using FFT. The Fourier transform can be computed and then FFT gives a fast way to compute the zeta function for a large range of values.

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